Rome coordinates
Latitude, Longitude: 41.8919, 12.5113
Elevation: 65 (ft)
Rome coordinates in different formats
Format | Latitude, Longitude |
Simple decimal standard | 41.8919, 12.5113 |
Decimal Degrees (DD) | 41.8919° N, 12.5113° E |
Degrees and Decimal Minutes (DDM) | 41°53.514′ N, 12°30.678′ E |
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS) | 41°53′30.8″ N, 12°30′40.7″ E |
Where is Rome
Rome is located at latitude 41.8919 and longitude 12.5113 at an elevation of 65 feet above sea level.
City information
City | Rome |
Country | Italy |
Population | 2,318,895 (2016) |
Language | Italian |
Currency | EUR (Euro) |