Reykjavík coordinates
Latitude, Longitude: 64.1355, -21.8954
Reykjavík coordinates in different formats
Format | Latitude, Longitude |
Simple decimal standard | 64.1355, -21.8954 |
Decimal Degrees (DD) | 64.1355° N, 21.8954° W |
Degrees and Decimal Minutes (DDM) | 64°8.13′ N, 21°53.724′ W |
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS) | 64°8′7.8″ N, 21°53′43.4″ W |
Where is Reykjavík
Reykjavík is located at latitude 64.1355 and longitude -21.8954
City information
City | Reykjavík |
Country | Iceland |
Population | 118,918 (2017) |
Language | Icelandic |
Currency | ISK (Krona) |