Nowy Sącz coordinates


Latitude, Longitude: 49.6218, 20.6971

Nowy Sącz coordinates in different formats

FormatLatitude, Longitude
Simple decimal standard49.6218, 20.6971
Decimal Degrees (DD)49.6218° N, 20.6971° E
Degrees and Decimal Minutes (DDM)49°37.308′ N, 20°41.826′ E
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS)49°37′18.5″ N, 20°41′49.6″ E

Where is Nowy Sącz

Nowy Sącz is located at latitude 49.6218 and longitude 20.6971

City information

CityNowy Sącz
Population84,376 (2011)
CurrencyPLN (Zloty)