Battle Creek coordinates

Michigan, United States

Latitude, Longitude: 42.3173, -85.1782
Elevation: 836 (ft)

Battle Creek coordinates in different formats

FormatLatitude, Longitude
Simple decimal standard42.3173, -85.1782
Decimal Degrees (DD)42.3173° N, 85.1782° W
Degrees and Decimal Minutes (DDM)42°19.038′ N, 85°10.692′ W
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS)42°19′2.3″ N, 85°10′41.5″ W

Where is Battle Creek

Battle Creek is located at latitude 42.3173 and longitude -85.1782 at an elevation of 836 feet above sea level.

City information

CityBattle Creek
CountryUnited States
Population51,589 (2017)
CurrencyUSD (Dollar)